
About Cees Pieter Den Hartog

Cees-Pieter is co-founder and Managing Director at Yorizon | the IT Happiness company.

Meet us at the People Centric IT Congress

May 16th, 2017|News and Blog|

Message from Cees-Pieter den Hartog, Managing Director at Yorizon, the IT Happiness company:I will have the opportunity to speak at the People Centric IT Congress on June 14th, 2017. Join me for the topic "The end user gets the experience, IT gets the control".If you are responsible for IT in your organization and located in The Netherlands, [...]

Top 5 IT Service Desk KPIs to measure

April 28th, 2017|News and Blog|

When managing an IT organization, the importance of KPIs is undeniable. However, it is not only the implementation of IT KPIs you should care about, but also the right choices when deliberating what to measure.  Service Desk is one the key areas that can affect the whole performance of your organization, therefore, it is [...]

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