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Latent digital illiteracy
Digitalization offers many opportunities.
It increases convenience and prosperity. The potential for further economic growth and improved well-being is enormous. However, it is not automatic that everyone is able to make the most of these opportunities. It doesn’t take long to fall behind. Uncertainty and lack of self-confidence can then drive people into a downward spiral. That goes for senior citizens who haven’t kept up with the times. But it is also a reality for employees who have missed a beat or for young people who can no longer cope with the flow of information. It also applies to you or me in some situations. So let us try not to lose each other on the runaway digital train. There is a clear role for education, government and business here, as discussed above.
But we can also offer each other a helping hand.
A good example of this came up in one of our training sessions. During the session, an IT employee at a major Dutch bank explained how she and her colleagues voluntarily give computer lessons to residents of a nearby nursing home every month. We don’t have to wait for the politicians to put this on the agenda. Watch out for a colleague who has difficulties with a new application or someone in your social environment who is lagging behind digitally. With a little time, attention and understanding, someone can often get back on board.
Read more about personal, social and economic consequences of latent digital illiteracy here